The Historic Indian Village Woman's Garden Club

The Indian Village Woman’s Garden Club is a branch of the Woman’s
National Farm and Garden Association. The WNFGA was founded in
1914 with the aim of stimulating interest in “the conservation of our
natural resources and an appreciation for country life”. A nationwide
organization, it continues to serve gardeners across the country.
A Bit About The Woman’s Garden Club (IVWGC):
Also known as the Indian Village Women’s Garden Club, the Indian Village branch of Woman’s National Farm and Garden Association (WNFGA) was organized in 1953. We are proud to be part of the WNFGA which celebrated its centennial in 2014. We are active in WNFGA Michigan Division activities including hosting the International Tea in 2014 and acting as hostesses at the annual Belle Isle Daffodil Day Luncheons.
Construction of Indian Village neighborhood started in 1895. The substantial homes had beautiful gardens, many professionally designed and maintained. By the 1950’s, things had changed; most residents were doing their own gardening. The Indian Village Woman’s Garden Club was started to help us learn more about gardening, both from professional speakers and each other. Close friendships started and the club prospered.
As the organization grew, new projects were added including the Historic Indian Village Home and Garden Tour. The Tour is now managed jointly by the Historic Indian Village Association, the Indian Village Men’s Garden Club and the Indian Village Women’s garden Club.
Our projects also include the Artelia Bowne Court Scholarships supported by the Holiday Tour and children’s activities in Indian Village. The Indian Village Centennial Garden is jointly managed by the Indian Village Men’s Garden Club and the Indian Village Woman’s Garden Club.
Meetings are held in members’ homes on the second Monday of each month, except June through August. There are special activities in December and May in lieu of the monthly meeting. To accommodate our many working members, we usually meet in the evening.
At the home of Judy Polk, 2250 Iroquois. The evening begins with socializing with wine and non-alcoholic refreshments. At 7:30 p.m., a representative from the Belle...