The Indian Village Greenspace consists of three lots on Iroquois right behind the Indian Village Market, from which two homes were removed in the 1950s and which were deeded to Indian Village Association in the 1970s.
In the 1990s, the Indian Village Men’s Garden Club cleaned up the area, and in 2002 secured a Greening of Detroit grant to plant native trees and bushes in the space. In 2005, Indian Village Collections received a grant from the Trevor Fetter Family Fund to establish a historical marker and beautify the space in memory of the Scranton and Trevor families who occupied a home on the site. A red granite stone marker has a plaque showing the home and the family who lived there, and is located on a garden space planted with native Michigan plants.
Two Indian Village gas lights illuminate the area at night. A committee of residents planned the area, obtained the necessary permits, secured the design and planting of the area, and arranged for the installation of the lights. In the spring of 2006, a dedication ceremony included the great-grandson of the original residents. The area is maintained from part of the grant and community volunteer assistance.